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All spiders are part of the class Arachnida, characterized by having eight legs and fangs. Spiders are the largest order of the Arachnida class and are incredibly diverse. They are found world-wide and very few species are harmful to humans. They have several pairs of compound eyes located to the front of the head. Spiders are known for producing many sizes of spun webs, which can help a homeowner identify a spider in their area long before seeing the actual spider its self. While not all spiders build webs for capturing prey, almost all species produce some form of webbing for a multitude of purposes. Spiders, unlike many insects, do not possess antennae.


General Overview

Spiders are at both times immensely useful for the control of insect pest species and considered pests themselves. Spiders produce a type of silk from the spinnerets on their abdomen, which has long been analyzed by human for it’s incredible durability and strength. Spiders are found in all areas of the world except Antarctica. Spiders are beneficial in that they consume a great many types of insects for food that would otherwise be invasive or harmful to humans. They are a very old species of insect. Spiders are easy to exterminate when found, but can be difficult to discover as they majority prefer to remain in areas where they are not likely to be disturbed.


Signs of Infestation

A spider infestation can be most easily spotted by the presence of spiders, spider webs and egg casings, though the latter can quite difficult to sometimes spot. House spiders are the most common species found within a home and are not found to be particularly dangerous to humans. The most dangerous species commonly found are in the home are the Black Widow and the Brown Recluse, which are quite venomous and dangerous to both adults and children as well as to pets. As with the common house spider, however, it is difficult to tell if you have an infestation of these more dangerous species without spotting either the spider or it’s nest. It is necessary to examine unused spaces regularly for signs of an infestation.



The vast majority of spider species prefer to dwell in relatively undisturbed areas of the home or areas surrounding the home. Species such as the aforementioned Black Widow and Brown Recluse are  even more likely to set up their habitats in undisturbed areas such as lumber, basements and storage sheds. It is highly important to remain cautious in storage shed if you live in an areas where these two species are common. While the bite does not immediately cause death, it can cause a long list of complications from the moment it enters the body. Spiders prefer dark areas, particularly those that do not rely on webs to catch their food. These types of spiders are more mobile that their web-dwelling relatives and can be found in the home without the presence of a large web.


Eating habits

Spiders are primarily predators and will capture their prey in diverse ways. The most familiar for a large number of people is the method of building webs ad waiting for passing insects to become trapped. The spider then descends upon it’s meal, injects them with digestive enzymes and then wraps the prey in a silk sac for later consumption. The method of prey capture of one of the things about the eating habits of spiders that caries the most, with other species being ambush predators.


Treatment and Prevention

Spider infestations are easier to exterminate than some species of invasive insect. As with the Black Widow and Brown recluse, the best method of extermination is eradication of the hiding places that these arachnids can hide. Extermination of the more venomous species can prove hazardous and one should consult with a professional prior to it’s undertaking.